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2025 Kids' Summer Camps &
Vacation Bible Schools


Keep your kids busy this summer. Here is a compilation of Summer Camps and VBS's in Moore County along with overnight camps within a few hours drive. There are so many options. Have fun planning!


Thanks to our generous page sponsors!
(Click each image to visit their website.)  

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Encore Center Dance, 
Theater, Music, & Art Camps

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The Encore Center in downtown Southern Pines has opportunities for students ages 0-18 throughout the summer in all avenues of the arts including Dance, Musical Theater Productions, Music, Cooking, and Art. Professionals from the field are brought in from all over the country to provide your student with elite training at an affordable cost! They also offer weekly summer dance and music instruction. Click the image to visit their website.

Sandhills Gymnastics
Summer Vibes

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Summer Fun is back at Sandhills Gymnastics with a variety of fun camps and classes all summer long.

  • Themed camps for boys and girls ages 5-13

  • Gymnastics skills camps for boys and girls ages 5-13

  • Preschool Camps for children ages 3-4 from 9am-noon

  • Afternoon & evening recreational classes  

Fun Camps run 8am to Noon & 2pm to 6pm with a Noon-2pm Lunch Bunch option.  Preschool and Gymnastics camps run 9am to Noon. Please preregister online or at the gym office.  Click the image for more info.


*Denotes camps with stand out listings or
sponsorships. All stand out listing images link to
their websites.

Camps shown in BLUE are open for registration.
Camps in RED are NOT yet open for registration.

We will update this page often, so be sure to check back.

Aberdeen Parks and Recreation
AC Sandhills Soccer Camp

All Star Sports Camp
Elevo Dynamics
*My Gym Sandhills
OM Studios Dance Camps
*Sandhills Gymnastics

TimberNook of the Sandhills Camps
Intro to Horses Camp- Valkyrie Sporthorses

Encore Performing Arts Studio

Living Water Christian Camp

Fun Farmer's Academy
Fun in the Sun Swim Camp

Moore County Camps: Girls Volleyball, Girls & Boys
Basketball Camps, and Summer Fun Camps

New Century Middle School Cheer Camp 
New Century Middle School Football Camp

RiseUp Moore Football Academy 
Sandhills Fliers Aviation Stem Camp
Union Pines Youth Football Camp
Union Pines Basketball Camp
Union Pines Youth Volleyball Camp
Union Pines Softball Camp
Union Pines Baseball Camp
Union Pines Lacrosse Camp
Union Pines FUNdamentals Camp
Union Pines Swim Camp

Eagle Springs
Kalawi Farm

Jackson Springs
Girl Scout Day Camp
Wander & Root

Wine & Design Art Buzz Kids Painting Camps

Spark your child's creativity at Wine & Design in Southern Pines!  Each camp is Monday - Thursday from 10am-1pm for children ages 5-12. Cost is $250/child for the week and class sizes are limited. Click the image to register.

**Use coupon code MOORECHOICES to get $50 off!


June 23-26:        Get Out of My Swamp

June 30-July 3:   Passport to Art

July   14- 17:        Puppet Pals

July 21-24:          Down on the Bayou

July 28-31:          Era's Inspired

Aug. 4-7:            Ohana Means Family

Aug. 11-14:           Ready Player 1

The Preschool in The Pines
Fun Camps

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The Preschool in the Pines, located in Seven Lakes, is offering 5 weeks of themed summer camps for your little one ages 2-5 (who have not started kindergarten yet). Camps are Monday-Friday from 9am-12pm and include a snack. $150/week; $50 deposit with a multi-camp/sibling discount.

Call (910)528-0500 or email  to register. 


June 16-20:     Suess-Tastic

June 23-27:     Backyard Camping

July 7-11:          Awesome Art

July 21-25        All About Bugs

 Aug. 4-8:        Garden Fun

My Gym Sandhills Camps


My Gym Sandhills is excited to offer Summer Camp at their NEW LOCATION! Their camps offer energizing games, exciting gymnastics, cool arts and crafts, and music that guarantees to keep them moving and engaged. No two days of camp are ever the same with their creative themes! Pay-by-day options and sibling discounts make My Gym camp an awesome, affordable, no-stress option. 

Camps are for 3 (potty-trianed) -10 year olds and will be held June 16-20 and July 14-18, 9am-12pm. $50/day (sibling discounts available) Click the image for more info.

*Carolina Football Club
First Tee Summer Camps
Haarlow's Hoops Academy
Gary Taylor Dance Musical Theater and Dance Camps
Eleve Ballet Academy
Liberty Soccer Academy Sandhills
Nike Junior Golf Camp-Pinewild Country Club
Pinecrest Football- Nick Eddins Football Fundamentals Camp
Pinecrest All-Star Baseball Camp
Pinecrest Women's Basketball Skills Camp
Pinecrest Patriot Girls Soccer Camp
Pinecrest Softball Camp
Pinecrest Speech and Debate Camp
Pinecrest Volleyball Camp

Pinewild Junior Golf Clinics
Sandhills Bogeys Youth Baseball Camp
Sandhills Community College Engineering & Construction 
Sandhills Community College Youth Summer Enrichment
Sandhills Flyers Volleyball Camps
Sandhills Flyers Basketball Camps
Shine On Sports Summer Lacrosse Camp
Village of Pinehurst Parks & Recreation Half and Full Day Camps,
Baseball Camp, Youth Basketball Camp, 
Youth Tennis Camp, etc.
Taylor Dance

The Garden Montessori

Ladybug Farm

DIRT Outdoor School
North Moore HS Youth Volleyball Camp
North Moore HS Softball Camp
North Moore HS Youth Basketball Camp

Seven Lakes
L Mace Studios Dance Camps
Seven Lakes Dance

Seven Lakes Health and Fitness Center
*The Preschool In The Pines

Southern Pines
Boys and Girls Club of the Sandhills
Effective Interventions Inc

Elite Academy of Dance
*Encore Center
Forte Fitness
Greenh@t Solutions Cyber Camp
Hammer & Stain 
Joy of Art

Our Saviour Lutheran Preschool Camp
Our Saviour Lutheran Lutheroad Camp
Premier UK Soccer

Refugio Farm Equestrian Center

Rugg Rats
Southern Pines Parks and Recreation
Southern Pines United Methodist Church 
St. John Paul II Summer Camp
Sunrise Theater 
Terpsichore Dance Camps

The Connection Corner
The Little Schoolhouse

The O'Neal School
US Kids Golf Academy at Longleaf Golf Club
Weymouth Center for Arts & Humanities
*Wine & Design Art Buzz Kids Camp
Woodlawn Farms Equestrian Camp


ARTworks Vass
STARS Charter School Summer Theatre Camp
Swift Robotics

West End
Beacon Ridge Jr. Golf Camp
Sandhills Piano Studio
West End United Methodist Church- Fun in The Son Reading Camp 

Whispering Pines
Chippers Golf Camps
Little Toughies
Sandhills Spartans- Volleyball Camps

Moore County Schools
STEM Camp/Advanced Robotics Camp



Each VBS will be updated with dates and registration links as they are posted on church websites.
BLUE listings are linked and open for registration. 

RED listings are NOT open for registration yet. 


If you would like to have your camp or vacation Bible School added to this page, please CONTACT US

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